Take a deep breath in… "Oooommmmmm…"
What is sound healing?
This holistic practice is often used in yoga and meditation practices to create healing vibrations and frequencies that promote balance between the mind, body, and soul. According to experts, sound healing has been shown to positively impact the parasympathetic nervous system, the part of the nervous system that plays a significant role in controlling hormones, inflammation, blood pressure, and other bodily functions.
In this post, we'll dive into the ancient sounds that have long been used to connect with and balance the energy centers you may have seen depicted as colorful symbols that run along the length of the spine, which are also known as the chakras.
How to incorporate sound healing into your practice
With their rich sounds, singing bowls are a popular instrument used to infuse yoga and meditation sessions with calming vibrations. When played, these beautiful bowls, which are often made from metal or crystal and tuned to specific vibrations, produce full, harmonious sounds that resonate with the energy of each chakra.
Another popular sound healing method is chanting.
Similar to how each chakra has its corresponding frequency, there are also beja mantras connected to each energy center that can be used to encourage their proper function and alignment.
One popular beja mantra is "Om," the sound of the Universe, and the one used to balance the Ajna Chakra, or as it’s more commonly known, the “third eye.”
Explore the 7 bija mantras connected to each chakra:
Muladhara (Root): “Lam”
Svadisthana (Sacral): “Vam”
Manipura (Solar Plexus): “Ram”
Anahata (Heart): “Yam”
Vishuddha (Throat): “Ham”
Ajna (Third Eye): “Aum”
The seventh chakra, Sahasrara (the Crown Chakra), is associated with ether and is our connection to the Divine around us. Instead of chanting, Sahasrara calls on us to be still, be present, and simply listen.
Introducing sound healing into your practice
Start by finding a seat in sukhasana (easy pose or cross-legged seat) or lying flat on your back. No matter which posture you choose, be sure that you are comfortable and that your spine is long.
After choosing your mantra, begin to clear your mind as you take even breaths in and out. As you're ready to, you can softly chant your mantra, repeating it on your exhale, feeling the vibration of the sound in your head, and imagining it reaching the part of the body it corresponds with.
It's recommended that you chant your mantra 108 times, a sacred number that expands into the cosmos and is found throughout our world. To track your chants, you can incorporate mala beads into your practice.
From singing bowls to gongs to our voices, there are various ways one can stimulate and clear blocked or stagnant chakras to realign the body’s energy and promote enhanced relaxation, improved sleep, and a harmonious connection within.
It's important to note that sound healing is still being researched and isn't a replacement for medical treatment. We also recommend working with a qualified practitioner when embarking on your sound healing journey.
Explore all of our sound healing offerings today!