Jul 20, 2024, 12:30 PM – 4:30 PM
Lincoln, 436 Lincoln Blvd #206, Lincoln, CA 95648, USA
Healing Through Somatic Yoga for Inner Peace will change your life, seriously...
You will leave feeling equipped and resourced with techniques, tools, and tips that help you reconnect with yourself in challenging moments, overwhelming moments when you feel like "I just can't handle it all"
Imagine releasing tension and feeling grounded through mindful breathwork and gentle movements, anywhere, anytime - no yoga mat, no classes with bangin playlists and sweaty community!
We don't all have the time or courage to get to yoga as often as we hope to.
You want other tools to get back to that feeling ya feel "post yoga" practice.
The safe and nurturing environment of Divinity Studio will support you in reconnecting your vitality and inner strength to get through life’s most challenging seasons.
You’ll love how your familiar poses will become a source of both physical relaxation and mental clarity.
This “playshop” is full of practical tools and insights to boost your overall well-being as well as teaching you ways to reconnect and listen to the wisdom of your brilliant body!
Embrace resilience, stability, and joy as you learn to incorporate somatic yoga into your daily life. Take the first step towards feeling more alive and connected.
Apply the basics to your day... What is Somatics and how it can be practiced anywhere, anytime. Breath Practices for when sh*t hits the fan and life gets wonky. Morning, midday and before sleep practice in five minutes!
Legit, this 4 hour time together will give you the edge to - manage when your kids go off the rails...lol... - when your co workers create more frustration in your daily work - when expectations of your life don't match reality!
Excited to equip you with tools for life without a yoga mat!
If you're a yoga teacher, this is the training you have been looking for!!!!